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BSCI Certificate

Add time:2024-03-16     

BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, was launched in year 2003 by the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of Europe. The aim is to establish a joint supervision system for the implementation of social responsibility standards for the retailer, brands and importers, improve the fulfillment of social responsibility by suppliers, and promote the working conditions better in the global supply chain. The focus includes several aspects, such as labor rights, reasonable wages, no work discrimination, prohibition of child labor, etc; Health and safety, such as ensuring workplace and operational safety, and preventing occupational diseases; Environmental protection, for reducing energy consumption and pollution; Business ethics, such as honest management and prohibition of commercial corruption. In year 2012, the official website for the Chinese version was launched. In 2012, SINO passed BSCI certification and has been successfully certified for 12 consecutive years.

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